The King’s speech does little for Mid Cheshire

The King’s speech does little for Mid Cheshire

I read with interest the article in the Northwich Guardian this week by our new M.P. Andrew Cooper, on why the King’s Speech would be good for Mid Cheshire. I must say that I was a little surprised by some of these supposed benefits for the people and businesses of...
Change they all cry; but to what?

Change they all cry; but to what?

With just ten days to go before the next General Election, all I seem to see from candidates of all parties is a consistent mantra. ‘We want change’ they shout. ‘Time to get the Tories out’ they cry. Whilst there may be general agreement that the Tories have...
Politicians are human too

Politicians are human too

Recently, I was invited to a fundraising event at St Helens’ church, Witton in Northwich, to support Christian Aid. That evening, I was fortunate enough to meet almost all the other candidates for the newly created Mid Cheshire parliamentary seat, all of us looking to...
Vote Reform, get Reform

Vote Reform, get Reform

Now that the local elections are over and the dust has settled, it’s time to reflect on what happened during campaigning and ask a really important question.  Is anyone else fed up with the narrative ‘vote Reform, get Labour’? We heard it so often in the run-up...
Philately & Politics 

Philately & Politics 

No one, it seems, who watched the recent ITV drama ‘Mr Bates v The Post Office’ could fail to be moved by the plight of the sub postmasters featured. The outpouring of public rage against the perpetrators was quite unexpected. This quickly turned itself into focused...