Emily Pankhurst & Christmas

Emma Guy Reform - Mid Cheshire Parliamentary Candidate at Christmas

Dear Supporter, 

Recently I was selected to be your Prospective Parliamentary Candidate (PPC) at the next election for the seat of Mid Cheshire. On the day this was announced, I asked a fellow member to take a photo of me next to the Christmas Tree so I could send a message to you all before the close of 2023. 

What struck me when looking more closely at the photo, is that behind me is a picture of Emily Pankhurst. Emily is someone who for many years I turned to for inspiration in politics. But, what I didn’t know until recently when conducting some additional research, was that one of her suffragettes was called Emma Guy Cromwell. Quite a coincidence. Perhaps it’s a sign, as she famously said ‘We are here, not because we are law-breakers; we are here in our efforts to become law-makers’ On that note, I would personally like to wish you all a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year. 

Thank you for your support and here’s to making a difference in 2024. 

Kind regards